Monday, July 19, 2010

CSSM - my kids' favorite week of the summer

We just finished up a full week of CSSM, Children's Surf and Sand Mission. It's my children's favorite week of their summer vacation. Children's Surf and sand Mission is similiar to a Vacation Bible School which our church hosts. The teenagers from the church each pay a fee to be able to participate. This fee covers their week of food, transportation for the children to and from the beach, and the shirts for the kids. There are no fees for the children involved. The teenagers live at the church for a full week. Each evening they are given a verse or section of the Bible, which in turn, they have to learn how to teach that to young children . . . in a way that young children will understand. Between skits and songs and interacting, these kids walk away with an amazing week of fun, and plenty of great stories. After spending the first few days taking pictures of the MY kids, the leader in charge came up to me and asked if I would be the photographer for the whole camp for the rest of the week. FABULOUS! Most definitly! Here are a few of the amazing smiley faces I was able to capture. No photos are edited since my laptop is currently down.

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